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NorReg - Nordic Regenerative Tourism

Visit Skåne is a partner in the Nordic project "Nordic Regenerative Tourism", NorReg.

NorReg is a Nordic project that aims to develop and provide relevant, interesting, and accessible tools, focusing on regenerative tourism, for small and micro-enterprises in the tourism industry in Nordic destinations.

What is Regenerative Tourism?

Regenerative tourism is a sustainability-focused form of tourism that goes beyond merely minimizing negative impacts. Instead, it focuses on improving and restoring the natural, cultural, and social environments affected by tourism. The concept is based on the principle that tourism can positively contribute to the destinations visited, creating a net benefit for both the environment and the community.

About the Project

The project started in 2022 and will conclude in March 2025. It is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and led by the Iceland Tourism Cluster.

The purpose of the project is to establish concrete tools for businesses that want to implement relevant, accessible, and measurable methods that have a clear positive impact on their location, such as on nature or cultural heritage sites.

The overarching goal is to develop and test methods that ensure businesses across the Nordic region can use regenerative tourism as a foundation for their business ideas and leverage tourism as a tool for the benefit of the local community.

The target group for using these tools is small and micro-enterprises, rather than small and medium-sized enterprises, reflecting the actual structure of the tourism industry in our participating regions.

This project provides an opportunity to collaborate with other Nordic countries on various initiatives related to regenerative tourism. The outcomes of these initiatives will be shared among the countries. Previously, a major event was held in Malmö that garnered significant international attention. More importantly, knowledge exchange, common challenges, and differences have been identified and highlighted to create opportunities for cross-border collaboration and engagement in diverse tourism contexts.

NorReg project platform

Page updated 22 Jul 2024, at 14:30